Musik att leva upp till
boom-shacka-lacka-lacka Musik att leva upp till – enjoy! […]
boom-shacka-lacka-lacka Musik att leva upp till – enjoy! […]
Inte bara prat längre När the Guardian släppte nyheten kring ett omfattande redaktionellt samarbete med Unilever gick det att börja prata seriöst om ”native”, betalt redaktionellt innehåll. Huffington Post har också bidragit till att öppna upp för native, och på Sime 2016 pratade The Daily Mail om ett omfattande, pågående samarbete. Annonsörer tänker nytt Unilever, å sin sida, har [...]
Rött är den färg som ögat har lättast att uppfatta. Därför valde många – när det begav sig - att sätta upp röda neonskyltar vid sina butiker. Men vad händer när alla skyltar är röda? Vem syns då? Och vad händer när alla bloggar och Twittrar? Vem skapar intryck och avtryck då? Och på natten är [...] For a limited time you’ll have the chance to claim your .blog name before everyone else. via Applications Now Open for Early ‘Landrush’ .blog Domains — The Blog
One of my friends has everything - and I mean "everything". Kids, wife, money, a job to die for... But he's constantly and extremely unhappy. You wouldn't have guessed. And the other day, I met a girl who had just lost her job. She was thrilled. ”My job and boss really sucked anyway." For a long [...]
We try to follow the road of logic. But we fail. The second half of the 20th century was built on ”rational”. - Planning rational production was natural. - Bringing up all children the same way was rational. - The gold standard was perfect - ok, nearly. - Linear thinking was the cats’ whiskers. Then, we [...]
The concept of tribal communities had a strong intuitive appeal. You ”got it” at once. It's easier to understand the type of individuals that belong to a tribe than those from the old-school target group. There’s a catch though. There are tribes in disguise: the swarm. A temporary, fickle, one-problem focused e-gathering, tweeting-over-a-very-important-issue, outraged on Face [...]
Creating a blog has been on my list for years. Rebecca Crusoe was the person that told me to do it. Anders Tempelman described to how it's done - like using wordpress, and posting regularly. Max von Gegerfelt got the technical stuff started. And so, it's up to me - after all, I'm the one supposed [...]